わたしも 施術中は深いリラクゼーションの中で、亡くなった父を近くに感じることがあります
こういう感覚を いろんな方と共有できるのが、何よりの喜びです
Thank you!!! It is my great fortune to know you and you are truly very talented and of course I know you work very hard.
I had such a deep experience with you.
Your massage really put me in a very deep place within myself and the release was very profound .
During the massage I felt a connection to very dear people who I have lost ( meaning they have died ) like my dearest friend, my mother and my father. They all came for a visit during the massage! I hope you can understand this…. and it is a good thing
I feel very good , centered and strong after your massage and treatment so thank you so much.